About Us


Lori A. Hoffner has been offering training for positive youth development, community networking and organizational relationship building since 1997 and has spoken nationally regarding youth program development, employment and staff engagement as well as multiple community issues.

For 11 years, Lori was the Executive Director of PACCT, a small non-profit in Jefferson County, Colorado, an organization dedicated to the success of youth and community. Additionally, as a former elected official, Lori understands the nuances of an invested community and how they impact the “bottom line”.

Following the tragic shootings at Columbine High School in 1999, Lori, through her leadership with PACCT was invited to help with the creation of Columbine Connections Resource Center, a community center dedicated to the healing of those impacted along with SHOUTS, a teen drop-in center for the youth of the community. She worked closely with leaders from mental health organizations, the school district, local law enforcement and park and recreation agencies. Lori is highly regarded as a network agent for community collaborations.

Lori’s experience in a variety of community roles has provided her with a wide range of situations where a unique set of strategies were required to address the issue(s) at hand. These experiences led to the development of Supporting CommUnity giving Lori the opportunity to share her message and successes with communities and organizations nationwide.

Lori specializes in positive community, program and relationship development. Her trainings can take you, your staff and your organization to the next level, helping you become the organization you want it to be.

Lori has a great deal of fun with her audiences, engaging them in thought provoking exercises and encouraging intentional positive practices every day within their organizations.

Lori also provides training to adults and youth surrounding the issue of suicide prevention and intervention and is an Accredited Resiliency at Work (R@W) Coach, Certified QPR Trainer, Certified Mental Health First Aide Trainer, safeTALK Instructor/Master Trainer and a Certified ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) Consulting Trainer. Lori’s academic career focused on education and psychology at both the University of Northern Colorado and University of Maryland Baltimore College. She is also a member of the Jefferson Foundation Board of Directors.