Hi Everyone –
Throughout my youth, my dad told us we were Irish. I loved the idea of it, especially the Leprechaun part and the thought that there might be gold at the end of the rainbow that I could chase after! In fact, I was obsessed with a not-so-well-known Disney movie “Darby O’Gill and the Little People” a story of the elusive Leprechaun. Well, with modern DNA ancestry testing kits available, I now know that I’m not one bit Irish. That still didn’t stop me from naming my oldest daughter Katherine (Katie), like the young lady in that Disney movie. It also hasn’t stopped me from believing in having fun and chasing after my dreams. It is my passion to lead others in a positive way, inspiring everyone to be the very best version of themselves, and lifting others up.
During these challenging times, we might start to question our dreams. We wonder what recovery looks like. How can we reassure our staff and our community? Maybe the 

question of recovery is finances for your organization or yourself personally? I want to remind you that your dreams are rooted in your passion and your strength! You KNOW what you do well and that’s not going away. Recovery will happen. You can lead others and encourage dreams by providing guidance and calm. Be the very best version of yourself!
The “connective tissue” that ties us all together are the relationships we have. Those relationships, personal or professional, those are the gold at the end of the rainbow. So as you practice the requested social distancing, be the kind of leader that everyone needs and continue to build those relationships, remembering to …
– Have Fun
– Be Positive
– Connect
…and wash your hands!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day (Irish or not!)
If you need additional help with the Be Positive idea, here are some great suggestions from one of my most favorite, positive people, Nataly Kogen.